Запись оставлена aleks 08.01.2025 в 18:36
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- program lab4_10;
- uses
- crt,graph;
- const
- prism : array[1..8,1..3] of real = ((300,170,0),
- (300,170,100),
- (500,170,100),
- (500,170,0),
- (300,320,0),
- (300,320,100),
- (500,320,100),
- (500,320,0));
- edge : array [1..12,1..2] of byte = ((1,2),
- (1,4),
- (1,5),
- (2,3),
- (2,6),
- (3,4),
- (3,7),
- (4,8),
- (5,8),
- (5,6),
- (6,7),
- (7,8));
- sk1 : array [1..6,1..4] of byte = ((1,2,6,4),
- (1,5,10,3),
- (4,7,11,5),
- (6,8,12,7),
- (2,3,9,8),
- (9,10,11,12));
- skeleton : array [1..6,1..4] of byte =((1,4,3,2),
- (1,2,6,5),
- (6,2,3,7),
- (7,3,4,8),
- (8,4,1,5),
- (6,7,8,5));
- TransMatr : array[1..4,1..4] of real =((1,0,0,0),
- (0,1,0,0),
- (0.70710678,0.70710678,0,0),
- (0,0,0,1));
- var
- gd,gm:integer;
- seeedge:array[1..6] of boolean;
- Matr2D:array[1..8,1..2] of real;
- chk:byte;
- procedure ConvTo2D;
- var
- i:byte;
- begin
- for i:=1 to 8 do
- begin
- Matr2D[i,1]:=prism[i,1]+prism[i,3]*sqrt(0.5 );
- Matr2D[i,2]:=prism[i,2]+prism[i,3]*sqrt(0.5);
- end
- end;
- procedure check;
- var
- c:boolean;
- cnt:byte;
- ax,bx,cx,ay,by,cy:real;
- begin
- for cnt:=1 to 6 do
- begin
- ax:=Matr2D[skeleton[cnt,1],1];
- ay:=Matr2D[skeleton[cnt,1],2];
- bx:=Matr2D[skeleton[cnt,2],1];
- by:=Matr2D[skeleton[cnt,2],2];
- cx:=Matr2D[skeleton[cnt,3],1];
- cy:=Matr2D[skeleton[cnt,3],2];
- seeedge[cnt]:=((ax*by+ay*cx+bx*cy-by*cx-ay*bx-cy*ax)>0)
- end
- end;
- procedure retsc(r:byte; var e1,e2:byte);
- var
- i,j:byte;
- begin
- e1:=0;
- e2:=0;
- for i:=1 to 6 do
- for j:=1 to 4 do
- if r=sk1[i,j] then
- if e1<>0 then e2:=i else e1:=i;
- end;
- procedure DrawPrism(an:integer);
- var
- i,j,e1,e2: byte;
- begin
- for i:=1 to 12 do
- begin
- retsc(i,e1,e2);
- case chk of
- 1:
- Line(round(Matr2D[edge[i,1],1]),round(Matr2D[edge[i,1],2]),round(Matr2D[edge[i,2],1]),round(Matr2D[edge[i,2],2]));
- 2:
- begin
- if ((seeedge[e1]) or (seeedge[e2])) then
- SetLineStyle(SolidLn,0,NormWidth)
- else SetLineStyle(DashedLn,0,NormWidth);
- Line(round(Matr2D[edge[i,1],1]),round(Matr2D[edge[i,1],2]),round(Matr2D[edge[i,2],1]),round(Matr2D[edge[i,2],2]));
- end;
- 3:
- if ((seeedge[e1]) or (seeedge[e2])) then
- Line(round(Matr2D[edge[i,1],1]),round(Matr2D[edge[i,1],2]),round(Matr2D[edge[i,2],1]),round(Matr2D[edge[i,2],2]));
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure Turn;
- var
- phi,an:integer;
- rvec:real;
- i:byte;
- zt,xt:real;
- begin
- an:=0;
- for phi:=1 to 360 do
- begin
- for i:=1 to 8 do
- if ((i<>1) and (i<>5)) then begin
- zt:=prism[i,3];
- xt:=prism[i,1];
- prism[i,3]:=(zt-prism[1,3])*cos(-pi*1/180)-(xt-prism[1,1])*sin(-pi*1/180)+prism[1,3];
- prism[i,1]:=(zt-prism[1,3])*sin(-pi*1/180)+(xt-prism[1,1])*cos(-pi*1/180)+prism[1,1];
- end; ConvTo2D;
- check;
- Setcolor(Magenta);
- DrawPrism(an);
- Delay(5000);
- Setcolor(White); DrawPrism(an);
- end
- end;
- begin
- writeln('Choose the kind of the model:');
- writeln('1-wire frame model;');
- writeln('2-dashed unvisible lines;');
- writeln('3-opaque model.');
- readln(chk);
- gd:=detect;
- gm:=0;
- initgraph(GD,gm,'');
- ConvTo2D;
- check;
- SetBkColor(White);
- SetColor(Magenta);
- DrawPrism(0);
- ReadKey;
- Setcolor(White); DrawPrism(0);
- Turn;
- Setcolor(Magenta); DrawPrism(0);
- ReadKey;
- closegraph;
- end.
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